Page 72 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 72

LAST SIX YEARS STATEMENT                                                                                                      VERTICAL ANALYSIS ON

            OF PROFIT OR LOSS                                                                                                             STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS

             Particulars            2019         2018         2017         2016         2015         2014                                  Particulars            2019         2018         2017         2016         2015         2014
                                                                  Rupees in ‘000                                                                                                                 Percentage

             Sales - net              37,478,321    31,138,736    26,529,786    26,333,359    24,150,149    22,650,094                     Sales - net                100%         100%         100%         100%         100%         100%
             Cost of Sales           (25,523,607)   (21,994,237)   (19,503,501)   (18,888,350)   (18,504,372)   (17,245,663)               Cost of Sales             -68.10%      -70.63%      -73.52%      -71.73%      -76.62%      -76.14%
             Gross Profit             11,954,714    9,144,499    7,026,284    7,445,009    5,645,777    5,404,431                          Gross Profit              31.90%       29.37%       26.48%       28.27%       23.38%       23.86%

             Operating expenses                                                                                                            Operating expenses
             Distribution Cost        (2,783,719)   (2,641,013)   (2,113,248)   (1,478,933)   (909,333)   (1,232,856)                      Distribution Cost          -7.43%      -8.48%       -7.97%       -5.62%       -3.77%       -5.44%
             Adiminstrative Cost      (1,984,209)   (1,597,804)   (1,298,707)   (1,156,927)   (981,659)   (899,652)                        Adiminstrative Cost        -5.29%      -5.13%       -4.90%       -4.39%       -4.06%       -3.97%
             Other operating expenses   (784,540)   (425,429)    (108,152)    (463,324)    (296,467)    (229,323)                          Other operating expenses   -2.09%      -1.37%       -0.41%       -1.76%       -1.23%       -1.01%
             Other income               14,444        9,164          35         1,667        2,010        1,742                            Other income               0.04%        0.03%        0.00%        0.01%        0.01%        0.01%
                                      (5,538,024)   (4,655,082)   (3,520,071)   (3,097,516)   (2,185,449)   (2,360,088)                                              -14.78%      -14.95%      -13.27%      -11.76%      -9.05%       -10.42%
             Profit from operations   6,416,690    4,489,417    3,506,213    4,347,493    3,460,328    3,044,343                           Profit from operations    17.12%       14.42%       13.22%       16.51%       14.33%       13.44%

             Finance cost              (995,707)    (483,654)    (391,940)    (472,972)    (891,231)    (832,644)                          Finance cost               -2.66%      -1.55%       -1.48%       -1.80%       -3.69%       -3.68%
             Profit before taxation   5,420,983    4,005,763    3,114,273    3,874,521    2,569,098    2,211,699                           Profit before taxation    14.46%       12.86%       11.74%       14.71%       10.64%        9.76%

             Taxation                  (226,216)    (119,954)    (103,188)    (214,117)     (77,827)    (45,412)                           Taxation                   -0.60%      -0.39%       -0.39%       -0.81%       -0.32%       -0.20%
             Profit after taxation    5,194,767    3,885,809    3,011,085    3,660,404    2,491,270    2,166,287                           Profit after taxation     13.86%       12.48%       11.35%       13.90%       10.32%        9.56%

            HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS ON STATEMENT OF PROFIT                                                                                    COMMENTARY ON ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT OF

            OR LOSS                                                                                                                       PROFIT OR LOSS

             Particulars          2019 vs 2018  2018 vs 2017  2017 vs 2016  2016 vs 2015  2015 vs 2014  2014 vs 2013
                                                                   Percentage                                                             Sales increased steadily over the course of last six years on account of expansion, increased market share and appreciation of
                                                                                                                                          market prices including continuous devaluation of rupee against foreign currencies, therefore, registering a compound annual
             Sales net                  204%          17%           1%           9%           7%          21%                             growth of 10.6 % over the past six years.
             Cost of Sales               16%          13%           3%           2%           7%          23%
             Gross Profit                31%          30%          -6%          32%           4%          14%
                                                                                                                                          Gross Profit
             Operating expenses                                                                                                           Steady increase in gross profit over the past six years shows prosperous growth of the company. The growth is mainly due to
             Distribution Cost            5%          25%          43%          63%         -26%          20%                             reasons mentioned above coupled with effective management of the company’s resources.
             Adiminstrative Cost         24%          23%          12%          18%           9%          10%
             Other operating expenses    84%         293%          -77%         56%          29%          14%                             Operating Profit
             Other income                58%        25829%         -98%        -17%          15%         -73%                             Profit from operations has registered a compound annual growth of 16.1 % for the same reasons as mentioned above.
                                         19%          32%          14%          42%          -7%          15%
             Profit from operations      43%          28%          -19%         26%          14%          14%
                                                                                                                                          Finance Cost
             Finance cost               106%          23%          -17%        -47%           7%           6%                             Finance cost has increased over the period due to increase in working capital requirements of the company.
             Profit before taxation      35%          29%          -20%         51%          16%          17%
             Taxation                    89%          16%          -52%        175%          71%         -17%
             Profit after taxation       34%          29%          -18%         47%          15%          18%
                                                                                                                                          Tax expense has increased over the period due to increase in turnover of the company. The company falls under final tax   2018 - 19
       Interloop Limited                                                                                                                  exemptions, if any.                                                                                    Annual Report
                                                                                                                                          regime and the tax is charged on its turnover based on applicable tax rates, after taking into account tax credits, rebates and

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