Page 116 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 116

People Management                                 Compensation & Benefits

            Interloop exercises defined Management Policies and   Interloop provides a conducive work environment to
            SOPs, in-line with the best international practices to run   its people where they give peak performances and
            Operational and Support functions. We invest in continuous   enhance their skills. The Company spends a considerable
            improvement of the management processes including   percentage of its profit to provide all basic facilities to its
            organizational structures, HR planning, & performance   people including EOBI contributions & social security.
            management, and expend time, effort, & money to   Multiple employee welfare schemes including gratuity,
            develop our employees. Performance-based career growth   provident fund, health care including health insurance,
            opportunities and job rotation options make Interloop a   group life insurance offering death, accidental & disability
            much sought after employer as it considers employees as   benefits, scholarships for employees’ children, special
            its strategic stakeholders and believes that their intellectual   welfare assistance for non-executives, free pick & drop,
            and financial growth translates into the growth of the   subsidized meals, etc., are in place.

            Fair Trade USA

            Promoting sustainable livelihoods for our workers has
            always been front and center for us. During the reporting
            year, our Hosiery Division II received its Fair Trade USA
            certification, becoming the first sock facility in the world
            to be FT USA certified. Fair Trade certification is a further
            endorsement of our rigorous standards for health & safety,
            working conditions and fair wages & scaling it across
            Interloop will be a top priority for us.

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