Page 61 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 61

Financial and Operational Performance

               The operating results of the Company are summarized as follows:

                                                                                           2020           2019
                                                                                               (Rs. In Millions)
               Sales – net                                                                   36,302.79    37,478.32
               Gross profit                                                                    7,863.72    11,954.71
               EBITDA                                                                          5,121.61    7,960.92
               Profit before Tax                                                               2,115.83    5,420.98
               Less : Tax Expense                                                                  319.43    226.22
               Profit after Tax                                                                1,796.40    5,194.77
               Unappropriated profit brought forward                                           5,366.21    7,142.57
               Effect of initial application of IFRS 16                                             (0.67)   (0.00)
               Profit available for Appropriations                                             1,799.12    5,001.94
                - Bonus Shares 2018                                                                      5,688.06
                - Interim dividend 2019                                                                  1,090.25
               - Final dividend 2019                                                           1,526.34
                - Interim dividend 2020                                                            872.20

               Unappropriated profit carried forward                                           4,766.12    5,366.21
               Earnings per share – Basic (Rs.)                                                        2.06    6.67
               Earnings per share – Diluted (Rs.)                                             2.06          6.67

               The COVID-19 pandemic badly affected the entire corporate   corresponding period. The Company earned profit after
               sector. During these challenging times, the Company   tax of Rs 1,796.40 million for the year under review as
               managed to operate, often with very thin staff by observing   compared to Rs 5,194.77 million during the previous
               proper SOPs, and successfully deployed business    year. The decrease in sales revenue and net profits of the
               continuity and incident management plans to cope with   Company was mainly due to COVID-19 pandemic and
               this crisis. In a challenging business environment fraught   resulting lockdowns in our global markets. The net profit
               with potential adverse implications of COVID-19 pandemic   translated into Earnings per Share (EPS) of Rs. 2.06 as
               on the economy, the year under review was still favourable.   against Rs. 6.67 of last year.
               The Company, in line with its mission, did not retrench
               any employee during the pandemic and also ensured that   Vertical Analysis
               Environment, Health and Safety standards are maintained at
               best. We measure our performance using both; key financial   Category          2020          2019
               indicators and strategic indicators that provide a meaningful   Gross profit         21.66%   31.90%
               assessment of our performance against the strategy.
               The Operational performance was measured against    Operating profit           8.96%       17.12%
               prescribed indicators including effectiveness, efficiency, and   Profit before tax  5.83%  14.46%
               environmental responsibility such as cycle time, productivity,   Net profit after tax  4.95%  13.86%
               spoil reduction, and regulatory compliance.
                                                                   EBITDA                    14.11%       21.24%
               Sales revenue decreased by 3.14% to Rs 36,302.79
               million as compared to Rs 37,478.32 million during the

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