Page 66 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 66

Trading in the Shares of the                      Pattern of Shareholding
                                                              Two statements of the Pattern of Shareholding as at June
                                                              30, 2020, for Ordinary Shares & Non-Voting Ordinary Shares
            Trading and holdings of Company’s shares by Directors &   respectively, which are required to be disclosed under the
            Executives or their spouses were notified in writing to the   reporting framework, are annexed to this report.
            Company Secretary along with the price, number of shares,
            form of share certificates and nature of transaction which
            were notified by the Company Secretary to the Board, SECP   Communication
            & PSX, within the stipulated time. All such holdings have
            been disclosed in the Pattern of Shareholding.    The Company focuses on the importance of the
                                                              communication with the shareholders. The Annual,
            Adequate Internal Controls and                    Half-yearly and Quarterly Reports are distributed to them
                                                              within the time specified in the Companies Act, 2017. The
            Monitoring                                        activities of the Company are updated on its website at
                                                    , on timely basis.
            The Company maintains sound internal control systems
            to provide reasonable assurance against efficiency and   Business Continuity Plan
            effectiveness of operations, reliability of financial report and
            compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Such   As part of Business Continuity Plan, remote disaster
            systems are monitored effectively by the Management while   recovery sites have been adequately set up for maintaining
            the Board Audit Committee reviews the internal control   backup server and data in case our primary server
            systems based on assessment of risks and reports to the   encounters any issues.
            Board of Directors.

            Adequate Internal Financial                       Appointment of Statutory

            Controls                                          Auditors

                                                              M/S. Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Company, Chartered
            The Board plays an important role in establishing the control   Accountants has completed its tenure for the year FY
            environment, including clarity of expectations regarding   2020 and retires at the conclusion of the forth coming
            integrity, ethics and adherence to Codes of Conduct and   Annual General Meeting. Being eligible, they have offered
            creating clear accountability for performance of internal   themselves for re-appointment. The Audit Committee has
            control responsibilities. The Directors had laid down   recommended their re-appointment as auditors of the
            internal financial controls and the same were adequate and   Company for the year FY 2020-21.
            operating effectively.

            Internal Audit and Control                        Health, Safety & Environment

                                                              Your Company is continuously investing substantial
            The Board has set up an independent Audit Function   resources to improve working conditions and maintaining
            headed by a qualified person reporting to the Audit   the highest standards in health, safety and environment
            Committee. The scope of internal auditing within the   (HSE) to ensure well-being of the people who work with us,
            Company is clearly defined which broadly involves review   as well as of the communities where we operate.
            and evaluation of its internal control system.

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