Page 63 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 63

Subsidiary Company                                 Corporate And Financial
                                                                  Reporting Framework
               IL Apparel (Private) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary
               of the Company which looks after the Knitwear business
               of the Company. There is no change in the nature of the   The Company Management is fully cognizant of its
               relationship with the subsidiary during FY20. The Company   responsibility as recognized by the Companies Act, 2017,
               has also annexed consolidated financial statements along   the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
               with stand-alone financial statements in accordance with the   Regulations, 2019 issued by the Securities and Exchange
               requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards   Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and the Rule Book of
                                                                  Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).
               and the Companies Act, 2017.
                                                                  The following comments are acknowledgement of
               Employee Stock Option Scheme                       Company’s commitment to high standards of Corporate
               (ESOS)                                             Governance and continuous improvement:

                                                                  1.  The financial statements, prepared by the Management
               We consider our employees to be our most important    of the Company, fairly present its state of affairs, the
               stakeholder and firmly believe in providing them with   results of its operations, cash flows and changes in
               conducive work environment and a sense of security. The   equity
               Company operates an equity settled stock option scheme
               called ‘Interloop Limited - Employees Stock Option Scheme,   2.  Proper books of account of the Company have been
               2016’ duly approved by the Securities and Exchange    maintained
               Commission of Pakistan (SECP). The Compensation    3.  Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently
               Committee evaluates the performance and other criteria   applied in preparation of the financial statements and
               of the employees and recommends to the Board for grant   accounting estimates are based on reasonable and
               of options. The Board on the recommendation of the    prudent judgment
               committee, on its discretion, grants recommended options   4.  International Financial Reporting Standards, as
               to employees. These options vest after a specified period   applicable in Pakistan, have been followed in
               subject to fulfillment of certain conditions as defined in   preparation of financial statements and any departure
               the scheme. Annual Performance Report on Offer and    from there has been adequately disclosed
               Administration of the Employees Stock Option Scheme
               (ESOS) - Interloop Limited, as at Jun 30, 2020, along with   5.  A Mission statement, Vision and overall Corporate
               the summary of the options granted till date, is annexed with   Strategy for the Company is prepared, adopted and
               this report.                                          reviewed as and when deemed appropriate by the
               It is pertinent to mention here that the scheme is not in   6.  The system of internal control is sound in design and
               operation since listing of the Company on PSX, and any   has been effectively implemented and monitored
               further allocation of shares under the scheme has been
               put on hold till its amendment, in accordance with the   7.  There are no significant doubts on the Company’s
               Listed Company scenario. For such purposes, the subject   ability to continue as a going concern
               proposal is under review and pending approval from the   8.  There has been no material departure from the best
               shareholders of the Company in the upcoming AGM, and   practices of Corporate Governance, as detailed in the
               subsequently from SECP.                               listing regulations
                                                                  9.  A summary of key operating and financial data of the
                                                                     Company is annexed
                                                                  10.  The Company operates a contributory provident fund
                                                                     scheme for employees and defined benefit gratuity
                                                                     fund scheme for its management/non-management
                                                                     employees. The value of investments based as at Jun
                                                                     30, 2020, are as follows:
                                                                        Provident Fund Rs. 146.815 million

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