Page 64 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 64
Statement of Compliance Board Committees
with the Code of Corporate The Board of Directors has constituted Audit Committee
Governance (AC), Human Resource & Remuneration Committee (HR&R)
and Nomination Committee (NC) as follows:
The Company has fully complied with the requirements of
the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Audit Committee (AC)
Regulations, 2019. A statement to this effect is annexed with
this annual report. The Board Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling
its oversight responsibilities, primarily in reviewing
Board of Directors and its and reporting financial and non-financial information
to shareholders, systems of internal control and risk
Committees management and the audit process. During the year 2019-
The Board 20, Five (5) Committee meetings were held. The names
of Directors and number of meetings attended by each
Director are as follows:
Interloop Limited has a seven-member (6 Male & 1
Female) Board of Directors which comprises of individuals
with diverse backgrounds, having core competencies, Name(s) of Committee Members Meetings
knowledge and expertise relevant to the business of the Attended
Company. Moreover, none of the Executive Directors of the Tariq Iqbal Khan 5
Company are serving as a non-executive director in another (Chairman)
Listed Company. Our Board composition represents the Saeed Ahmad Jabal 5
interests of all categories of shareholders and consists of: Jahan Zeb Khan Banth 5
• Independent Directors 2 Human Resource & Remuneration
• Other Non-executive Directors 3 Committee (HR&R)
• Executive Directors 2
The Committee meets to review and recommend all
During the year, Six (6) Board meetings were held. The elements of compensation, organization and employee
names of Directors and the number of meetings attended development policies related to the senior executives.
by each director are as follows: During the year 2019-20, Three (3) Committee meetings
were held. The names of Directors and number of meetings
attended by each Director are as follows:
Name(s) of Director(s)
Musadaq Zulqarnain 5 Name(s) of Committee Members Attended
Chairman / Non-Executive Director
Navid Fazil Saeed Ahmad Jabal 3
5 (Chairman)
Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director Navid Fazil 3
Jahan Zeb Khan Banth 6 Jahan Zeb Khan Banth 3
Non-Executive Director
Muhammad Maqsood 6 Nomination Committee (NC)
Group CFO / Executive Director
Shereen Aftab 2 A Board Nomination Committee has been constituted to
Non-Executive Director
assist the Board, primarily in keeping the structure, size
Saeed Ahmad Jabal 6 and composition of the Board under regular review and for
Independent Director making recommendations to the Board with regard to any
Tariq Iqbal Khan 6 changes necessary therein. No meeting of the Committee
Independent Director was held during the year 2019-20.