Page 35 - SustainabilityReport2017
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realized the need to articulate Interloop
                                                                                   Way, which defines how we perform
                                                                                   and behave so that we can hold on
                                                                                   to it, sustain what we have created,
                                                                                   and create consistency as we expand
                                                                                   Interloop Way will improve our people
                                                                                   practices, systems & processes
                                                                                   such as problem-solving, recruiting,
                                                                                   organizational development,
                                                                                   performance management, job
                                                                                   rotations and improved two-way
               companies, all over the world. In   ‘Interloop-Way’, comprising Lean
               2015, Sixteen Interloop delegates from   & People components. It consists of   Our Lean journey to create Interloop
               senior and middle management visited   standardized good practices we have   Way is about developing the desired
               Japan to acquire hands-on knowledge   been performing all along. At Interloop,   culture towards full engagement as
               about TPS from Toyota Engineering   all of us work cohesively in treating our   well as mutual understanding & trust
               Corporation. Value Stream Mapping   people, customers and stakeholders   between the company and the team
               (VSM) of all plants was developed.   with respect and strive for continuous   members, and achieving a balance
               Actions were taken to eliminate waste   improvement. This has resulted in   between the company and employee
               wherever it existed. Various processes   tremendous success for all of us over   needs, for sustainable growth and
               like Knitting & Toe Closing, Boarding   the years. We have named our culture,   development. It’s a long haul towards
               & Packing were combined. TPM      which stems from our organizational   achieving our Mission, and we are
               was deployed to improve machine   DNA, as ‘Interloop Way’. For sustained   confident that our efforts will bear fruit.
               efficiency and reduce wastage.    prosperity (success for enterprise
               Results were wonderful. WIP went   = success for our people), we have
               Down, WASTE was Reduced, OTP
               got Improved, INVENTORY TURNS
               were Improved, QUALITY INDEX was
               Improved, and approximately 200,000
               sq. ft FLOOR SPACE got Vacated and
               Utilized for other related functions.

               Interloop fully understands the
               significance of our ‘people practices’
               supporting deployment of Lean so
               that this develops as part of our
               culture. Consequently, in 2017,
               the company decided to design

                     “      community by pursuing an ethical and sustainable business.                     “         Sustainability Report 2017
                             To be an agent of positive change for the stakeholders and

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