Page 31 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 31
Equality & Diversity to balance their work, family and other Promoting equality and
responsibilities, effectively. They have
access to opportunities to grow, learn
Interloop is an equal opportunity and develop on merit. diversity irrespective
employer and is committed to of age, gender, race,
promoting equality and diversity in All policies, procedures and practices
all areas of employment. It provides of the company have been formulated marital status, disability,
an inclusive environment where to inculcate the culture of encouraging religion or belief, colour
everyone feels valued and respected, and nationality.
irrespective of age, gender, race, and supporting women, transgenders
marital status, disability, religion or and differently abled employees. If a
belief, colour and nationality. It aims differently abled person has special
to provide its employees, especially needs, the company does its best to
females, a safe and supportive work adapt the job and workplace to meet
environment, free of discrimination and those needs.
harassment. Employees are facilitated
Sustainability Report 2017