Page 32 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 32
Women Empowerment
Interloop truly believes that
empowering women through
employment and skill enhancement
not only helps them achieve financial
stability for themselves and their
families but also makes them a
productive member of the society.
i. Enhancing Female
To support women empowerment
and to improve gender parity
within the organization, Interloop
has taken a strategic decision
of employing a minimum of
10% women in executive &
non-executive teams, in various
grades including managerial roles
and working cadres, by 2020.
ii. Reconnect Program for
Female Employees
To enhance development
opportunities for female
employees, a new ‘Reconnect
Program’ has been introduced.
Female staff members who have iii. Extended Maternity Leave iv. Day Care Centers
completed three years’ service
with the company and have to In addition to the entitled leave, To provide ease of mind to
leave their jobs due to family if a female employee requires working mothers regarding
requirements, e.g. marriage, care further leave due to her or her their young children, Day Care
& upbringing of infants/toddlers newborn’s health issue, she can Centers are in place at all
or relocation of family, etc., can avail another 4 weeks leave at half Interloop Hosiery Plants where
reconnect with their careers after pay. executive and non-executive
having a break. female employees comfortably
leave their children, while at work.
Experienced Nannies take good
Interloop Limited