Page 103 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 103
Particular 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual
Rupees in ‘000 Percentage Rupees in ‘000 Percentage Rupees in ‘000 Percentage Rupees in ‘000 Percentage Rupees in ‘000 Percentage
Sales - net 9,356,423 100% 9,868,294 100% 10,727,451 100% 6,350,626 100% 36,302,794 100%
Cost of sales (7,208,831) -77.0% (7,516,444) -76.2% (8,154,543) -76.0% (5,559,258) -87.5% (28,439,076) -78.3%
Gross Profit 2,147,592 23.0% 2,351,850 23.8% 2,572,908 24.0% 791,368 12.5% 7,863,718 21.7%
Operating Expenses
Distribution cost (724,015) -7.7% (320,766) -3.3% (587,649) -5.5% (374,834) -5.9% (2,007,264) -5.5%
Administrative expenses (516,401) -5.5% (612,065) -6.2% (625,938) -5.8% (443,545) -7.0% (2,197,949) -6.1%
Other operating expenses (53,856) -0.6% (179,825) -1.8% (325,570) -3.0% 54,738 0.9% (504,513) -1.4%
(1,294,272) -13.8% (1,112,656) -11.3% (1,539,157) -14.3% (763,641) -12.0% (4,709,726) -13.0%
Other income 4,644 0.0% 55,630 0.6% 63,046 0.6% (24,319) -0.4% 99,001 0.3%
Profit From Operations 857,964 9.2% 1,294,824 13.1% 1,096,797 10.2% 3,408 0.1% 3,252,993 9.0%
Finance Cost (167,985) -1.8% (306,098) -3.1% (384,045) -3.6% (279,034) -4.4% (1,137,162) -3.1%
Profit before taxation 689,979 7.4% 988,726 10.0% 712,752 6.6% (275,626) -4.3% 2,115,831 5.8%
Taxation (70,987) -0.8% (76,492) -0.8% (81,882) -0.8% (90,067) -1.4% (319,428) -0.9%
Profit / (Loss) for the Period 618,992 6.6% 912,234 9.2% 630,870 5.9% (365,693) -5.8% 1,796,403 4.9%
Earning Per Share/(Loss per Share) Rupee 0.71 1.05 0.72 (0.42) 2.06
Company showed strong performance in first three quarters of the year, with consistently increasing sales and production
volumes. Gross profit ratio remained almost consistent in the first three quarters, whereas net profit ratio fluctuated between
6.6% in the first quarter, to 9.2% in the second quarter, to 5.9% in the third quarter, due to variations in operating expenses.
Further, increase in finance cost owing to increased borrowings for meeting working capital requirements and to finance the
capital expenditure has also impacted net profit of the company. Last quarter was an exception, as outbreak of the novel
coronavirus (Covid-19) significantly impacted company sales owing to market closures in key customer areas across the globe
resulting in quarterly loss of 5.8%.